UK Disposable Vape Ban Confirmed

UK Disposable Vape Ban Confirmed

It’s here. The UK government has announced a disposable vape ban and will be implementing plain packaging, flavour restrictions, and limitations on displays. This is a sad day for a country that was leading the world in tobacco harm reduction.

The Problem with the Australian Vape Ban

The Problem with the Australian Vape Ban

Australia has once again tightened the noose on vapers with a new set of laws. The latest Australian vape ban is an attempt to eradicate the black market that their original ban created. Let’s break down the failures in Australian vape legislation.

UK Vapers Have Spoken: Make Your Voice Heard!

UK Vapers Have Spoken: Help Save Vaping!

In response to the government’s open consultation on vaping, we asked UK vapers which legislation changes they support and how they feel about the UK government restricting vaping. Find out how you can make your voice heard!

Disposable Vapes Set to Be Banned in England

Disposable Vapes to Be Banned in the UK

Disposable vapes may be banned by the government as early as next week over concerns of youth vaping. Health ministers believe that single-use vapes are overwhelmingly targeted at children under 18.