A standard 2ml disposable vape can provide up to 600 puffs, though newer big puff disposable vapes can offer a lot more puffs (and a lot more bang for your buck).
Big puff vapes, which circumvent TPD regulations by implementing innovative designs to reduce battery waste, can offer up to 2400, 3500, 5500, or even 6000 puffs.
The maximum number of puffs any disposable vape kit can produce will be clearly stated in the product description, but it's important to note that because these devices are machine-measured, how long the device lasts will be dependent on how you vape. The longer and deeper your pulls are, the fewer puffs you'll get out of the device.
For reference, the machines used to measure puff counts take short puffs (less than a second long) with an MTL inhale.
Because of this, all puff counts on disposable vapes are approximate.
For more information on puff counts, check out our article: Are “Puff Counts” Accurate?