Slow Blow Shortfill E-Liquid by Nasty Juice 50ml is a refreshing blend of a tangy and fizzy Lime soda layered with juicy Pineapple on the inhale, complemented with a cooling Low Mint on the exhale.
Nasty JuiceShortfill E-Liquid range offers premium sweet and fruity blends layered with a lowmint cooling. Formulated in high 70% VG blends makes them best suited for Sub-Ohm vaping using high wattage kits and tanks and mods. They are supplied in a 60ml shortfill bottles containing 50ml of 0mg e-liquid, leaving enough space for 1 x nicotine shot to be added. Adding 1 x 18mg Nic shot will create 60ml of 3mg e-liquid once mixed.